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Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptyWed Apr 26, 2017 6:49 pm by Shade

» A Long Shift
Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptySat Feb 14, 2015 3:06 pm by Tifa Lockhart

» Mirage Hearts
Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptyMon Jan 26, 2015 5:26 pm by Game Master

» Micro RPs
Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptyFri Dec 26, 2014 5:21 pm by Tifa Lockhart

» Micro Rp Thread Rules
Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptyFri Dec 26, 2014 4:23 pm by Zack Fair

» An Angel's return...
Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptySat Nov 22, 2014 8:27 am by Tifa Lockhart

» my absence
Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptyWed Nov 12, 2014 8:43 pm by Shade

» Chillin' with a smoke.....
Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptySun Oct 12, 2014 3:29 pm by Tifa Lockhart

» Beginnings...
Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptyThu Sep 18, 2014 9:28 pm by Shade

» Removing old Character threads for Weapons, Armor, and such...
Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptyWed Sep 10, 2014 3:13 am by Tifa Lockhart

» Friendly check up.
Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptyTue Sep 02, 2014 12:47 pm by Sephy

» I'm leaving
Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptySun Mar 30, 2014 2:15 pm by Shade

» Because he's Tifa's favorite...
Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptyTue Feb 25, 2014 4:17 pm by Tifa Lockhart

» Guest Posting
Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptySun Dec 08, 2013 11:38 am by Tifa Lockhart

» Sidequest: Territorial Dispute
Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptySun Nov 24, 2013 4:50 pm by Zack Fair

» New people, Old places (Open)
Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptyThu Oct 24, 2013 3:52 pm by Zack Fair

» A Party to Remember ... or Not ((Open)
Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptySun Sep 22, 2013 3:57 pm by Tifa Lockhart

» The Cloud Forest (Tifa)
Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptySat Sep 21, 2013 4:32 pm by Zack Fair

» Yes, yes, I'm late.
Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptySat Sep 14, 2013 3:26 pm by Jonathan DeLauren

» Guess Who's Back.....No not Eminem -_-
Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptyWed Sep 11, 2013 3:43 pm by Tora Kline

Micro RPs
Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptyFri Dec 26, 2014 5:21 pm by Tifa Lockhart
We got a new thing! Micro Rps are designed to be short, quick fire things. The rules and points are different in these, so be sure to read up on them before jumping in. Rules are important. Rules can be found [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.].

Think of it like Twitter, but less full of GamerGaters, misogyny and racism. At least it better be, banning people is such a hassle.

Go see. Explore. Find stuff. Join in. Peace and love


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 Making Believe (Private, Keiko)

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John Greywolf

John Greywolf

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PostSubject: Making Believe (Private, Keiko)   Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptyFri May 11, 2012 11:11 am

The halls were cold, as it always felt to John when he visited, and as soon as his silent steps touched the white marble floors the Sisters came out to see him. It was a little strange how they knew the quiet Shaman was in their domain as soon as he stepped past the gate, but once you understood this was a yearly pilgrimage for John Greywolf it made sense. He was here to see her, to spend a lovely spring day with her, and he did it on the same day every year. Not once had John missed this day with her, not a one since that fateful afternoon.

The Sisters all watched with quiet interest as he passed by them through the halls on his way into the large cathedral. Some were dressed in their armor and weapons while others in their daily garb of leathers and tunics. They gave him his usual clear passage, parting for him to pass, which was unusual as none outside the order were permitted to enter the castle or its grounds. Only those consecrated by the Holy Light were permitted in the Paladin Sisterhood and only after being judged worthy by the Matron Mother herself, and of all those who passed both tests none were male. John, for the next few hours, would be the only male ever allowed to walk freely among the Sisters in their home. He nodded here and there to the ladies being nice but also noting most were respectful returning the greeting with the exception of a few who looked rather disgusted to see a man in their midst.

As he walked through the large ornate swinging doors which led to the massive but conservative cathedral John noted some of the Sisters were sitting among the pews. The Paladins were reading from the holy hymnals they were given upon, reflecting upon the words of former Matron Mothers and the deeds of their former Sisters who battled evil till their final walks. Up ahead, next to the raised dais where the current Matron Mother sat, was a familiar face. The Paladin was as tall as John with long brown locks and a beautiful face. He looked to her right and noted the door to the crypt, his true destination for the visit…just as all the rest.

Good day to you John Greywolf” The Paladin spoke in a voice thick with an accent of her people, a rugged mountain tribe.

Good day to you Sinnie, how have you been?” John replied with a smile.

The Paladin shook her head, “Since your last visit I have been assigned the guard duty of our Matron Mother so now I stay within the gilded walls more.

And that’s not where Sinnie would prefer to be I can see.

Ah, does it show? I cannot help that I would rather be here in chapel reading and enjoying my Sisters and battle.

John shrugged his shoulders and hoped his word would soothe just a little. “All heroes of the Eternal Light wish to battle evil to their final walk, but only a few can garner the honor of guarding the Matron Mother. She picks only those she knows to be true warriors for the Light and those who would make the final walk with her. To deny that honor would hurt all those coming after you Sinnie

You are right John Greywolf, as always you are right.” Sinnie smiled before waving her hand toward the crypt door. “Everything is prepared as you need, the Matron Mother gives you her blessing.

Thank you Sinnie, tell the Matron Mother thank you for all she does to save the worlds from evil.

The Paladin only nodded as John walked away toward the crypt door.

Making Believe (Private, Keiko) Vignette

Outside the gate to the large castle, under the shade of a large beautiful tree, Wahkan sat in the seat of his motorcycle and waited for his friend to emerge. He had been following John on these trips for ten years now and as always the Shaman gave him a chance to stay with the Siang Tien Tang and as always he told John no. This pilgrimage meant something to John and now it meant something to Wahkan. It was something he hadn’t talked about before and probably never would and that was his way.

As the birds flew about picking up twigs and branches for making nests to hold their eggs the large man thought about his own past and the love he had lost.

Last edited by John Greywolf on Sun May 27, 2012 4:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Making Believe (Private, Keiko)   Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptyFri May 18, 2012 7:40 am

It took some time to find John, but we did finally find him none the less and we were quite surprised when we did. I had heard if his special ritual every year, the one where he makes his way to a special grand castle outside of Fynn. The Estate of Aleister’s is large, but nowhere nears the expanse of the home of the Sisterhood of Paladins of the Eternal Light. The four tall spires reaching for the blue sky over tall imposing walls gleaming with perfection made me wonder just how a sect of fighters could come to attain such a palace when they took in no compensation. The Sisters made no money from their ‘duty, not a single Gil. I have heard the stories of the Sisters, forthright and unyielding in their fight against the evil horde that crosses the land. For me, I have always thought one whose only purpose in life is to end all evil while living piously was…well… so melodramatic, and then to live in a castle with four spires, it was at best a confidence game of some kind.

I pulled the Dragon in next to where the rather large Wahkan was parked. I did not see John’s bike, but I knew the shaman was here. One, John always carried his motorcycle with him, literally. He would shrink that bad, and I mean that in the best way, piece of machinery down to a size that would fit nicely in your hand then place it in his pants pocket like it was a toy so I knew better than to look for the motorcycle. Secondly, I have known about this day for a while and I had an idea where John was going. Third, one cannot miss Wahkan, the man is a mountain. As I took off my helmet and looked up and I could see the true awesomeness of the castle, and it made my thought about how it was all attained just a little more solid. Nafeesa jumped off the back of the Dragon, with a small flip, and walked out in front of us with a look of shock at the sight.

Who lives here?” She gasped in amazement.

Not who, but ‘whom’.” I countered smiling at Wahkan.

The large man gave me his usual cold hard stare but I only winked to him. I knew better then think Wahkan had an animosity toward me. The man loved me and he knew it. My kitten though was just a little lost as she finally turned back to us.


This, my love, is the home of the Sisters, the famous Paladins of the Eternal Light, defenders of all that is right in these worlds.

Nafeesa smiled and looked back to the castle holding her right hand over her eyes to block out the gleam of the spires. “Whoa, are they really just all woman, no men at all?” she gasped again before looking back one more time with excited eyes. “I bet that would be…weird, no men at all to talk with and stuff.

Oh, today there’s a man among them I think, right Wahkan?

The large man only stared at me and for a very brief second I had the single thought of maybe crossing as line finally. Yet then I just shook it off, like I said, it was very brief. Nafeesa though only giggled and looked back to the castle. “Oh my,
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John Greywolf

John Greywolf

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PostSubject: Re: Making Believe (Private, Keiko)   Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptySun May 27, 2012 4:19 pm

Once he was past the door to the crypt John began to evoke his annual ritual. He did the same physical moves every year while walking the same exact steps down to the burial chambers of the Matrons of the Sisterhood. He reached into his cargo pants pocket pulling out a special cloth pouch while preparing his mind for the journey ahead. His moccasins made no noise on the marble steps as he walked down, the cold of the crypt enfolding him as he went down. John’s fingers worked open the drawstrings on the pouch opening the mouth as his feet touched the floor of the chamber. One hundred and five steps, the same number every year.

As he turned to his right to head deeper into the crypt, as he always did, John pulled a long pendant from the pouch making sure the cord it was attached to was not tangled. He put it over his head as he began to sing an old song his teacher taught him while in front of him the crypt stretched out in a long seemingly endless white marble hall. The crypt hall was cut into equal sections, alcoves where each Matron from the beginning of the Sisterhood were interred after the final walk. He felt the energy around him build and circle around him as passed the final resting places of the former Matrons who at one time led the Sisterhood in its single minded purpose of destroying evil. He didn’t recognize most of the names; those women were Matrons long before John came to these worlds. Some names were well known in the history of the Sisterhood, their exploits told in songs that reverberated with voice in the cathedral above, while others were simple footnotes among the Paladins. His song was the only sound in the burial chamber now as he walked along till John reached the final spot he always reached every year.

The Shaman stood by the last occupied alcove. The one meant for the Matron who allowed his access into the crypt was just to his right. One day she would be placed in her alcove once her daughter took her rightful place as head of the Order. A bench had been placed just in front of wall at the end of the alcove, just in front of the metal plate that bore her name. He sang on with his song even as he felt a pang of regret for her. She had never wanted to be a Matron, and yet when duty was thrust on her she took the mantle and led her Paladins into glory. On the right side of the bench was a bracer filled with the proper incense mixture. On the left were the two fetish statuette’s he had given her to protect her before they parted.

It was all as it should be he thought, the way it is every year.

John walked around the bench and took his spot in the center while singing. He lit the incense in the bracer and let the smell of the Sage and Sweet Grass began to transform the clean cold air of the crypt to a more suitable atmosphere. He was here to meet with his dear friend and there was no need to do that in the cold of a burial chamber.
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PostSubject: Re: Making Believe (Private, Keiko)   Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptyTue Jun 05, 2012 3:59 pm

The look Wahkan shot me was enough to turn my assumption to truth. John was inside the walls of the sacred virginal palace of the Paladins of the Eternal Light. Most men in the known worlds would have paid a king’s ransom to just walk those walls once in their lifetime. My friend the shaman had the delight of being able to visit once a year, and from I had found out he could return at anytime he wished. He had been granted special ‘Excepit Persona’ status amongst the Paladins. He was the only man ever allowed to walk the halls. Not even the builders were men I have been told, each stone of the great walls and halls touched only by female hands.

Why is John allowed inside if no other men are?” Nafeesa asked with her ever so present curiosity, which made her so damnable cute.

I looked to Wahkan and when the large man did not offer an explanation I felt it my only duty to inform my kitten of the story. “John is allowed to walk those halls due to a special task he completed for the Matron Mother twenty some odd years ago.

Nafeesa wrinkled her nose before asking another question. I knew it was coming because of the nose wrinkle, her tell for asking questions. I learned it very early on one night after we had made love. “What did he do?

That is a very good question my precious kitten and one I can answer for you, except it may be a long explanation. Are you willing to wait to hear?” I asked back with a raised eyebrow.

She only nodded and smiled as big as a child can so I took a breath and started to explain. Out of the corner of my eye I watched as Wahkan shot me a low look obviously distressed I was going into history better left unturned. Maybe he was afraid I would make John out in a light other than his usual helpful witty self? I only blinked and started to talk to my kitten.

Back when John first left his teacher, the old woman in the desert, he came to Midgar through the complex and found a city perfect to hide in and also aid. No one had come across a man who used magic like the shaman, a natural type of magic that healed not only people but the evil energy floating around Midgar in those days. It was not long before the man being called a shaman became a sort of an urban legend around the slums and downtrodden in the City. The man in the black hat, he was a mystery walking round in silent boots and eyes that could see right through you they all whispered. He could see the past and know your future with special stones he carried in his pocket.

My kitten gasped and smiled at me. “Really, they said that about John?

Oh yes, he had quite the reputation back then during those early days.” I smiled leaning on my motorcycle. “And it as due to this reputation that the Matron Mother came looking for him. She had heard this man known as a shaman, this mysterious man in the back hat, could see things no one else could, find things and people if convinced.

What was the Matron Mother missing?” My brilliant kitten asked astutely guessing where the story was going.

The Matron Mother needed to find her daughter and it seemed the only one she could trust was this man in the black hat…the one being she was told never to trust.” I answered with a wink.
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John Greywolf

John Greywolf

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PostSubject: Re: Making Believe (Private, Keiko)   Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptyFri Jun 08, 2012 10:59 pm

The incense on the air stirred the energy in John’s center, turned the blue base to a dark Navy as it swirled with the growing intent of the Shaman. He closed his eyes while still singing the old song, feeling the power of each word. The song was a chant of power sung to a rhythm handed down from elder to elder in the tribes used to focus the energies internal and external into a channel. As he sat riding the wave of energy building in his soul John felt his inner being begin to shift. His senses became confused, lost for a second as his journey began. He felt the cold air of the crypt change to a warmer feeling, like a new day dawning in spring. The sun touched his cheeks and a small wind blew across his face now, just enough of a breeze to make him notice.

I’m here John thought as he opened his eyes. Long gone were the cold white marble walls of the burial chamber along with the cold stifling air that seemed to cling to you no matter what you did. Gone were the alcoves and the placards telling visitors who was forever sealed behind them. John sighed as he saw his new surroundings, the Grand Gardens of the Matrons. It was more than a botanical wonder with trees and plants and hedges lining walking paths. This place was the final rest of the leaders of the Sisterhood, the end to their long walk. He looked around noting he was sitting on a stone bench under a large apple tree, the same place he always came to every year when he made the journey here.

There was no path to the Grand Gardens, none in the physical world. John stood and started to walk down the stone lined path noting he headed in the same direction every year. The only way to the Gardens was to Journey, release one’s self from the bonds of the physical world and travel between the worlds. His teacher the old woman had called it ‘walking like a ghost’ and she had never been more right the Shaman thought. He turned at an opening in the hedge passing the spirit of Glenil, the 3rd Matron who brought an end to the evil scourge who plagued the very land the Sister’s castle sits on. She was reading a book, like every time he came here sitting on the same bench. John tipped his hat moving on slowly making his way through the hedge maze that made up the Grand Gardens.

He passed two more Matrons, the 6th and 14th, standing in a small cut in the walk by a beautiful flowering dogwood. Both acknowledge his presence with a nod and he smiled in return tipping his hat in a show of respect. He took another turn, the same he took every year when he came here, and there just up ahead was another spot cut into the tall hedge. A stone bench sat underneath a tall flowering tree and on the bench she sat waiting, like she did every year. He walked up and as he approached she looked up from the book she was reading, one of the hymnals the Sisters read from in the Cathedral. He didn’t have to look to know what the tome was, it never changed, hadn’t changed since the beginning of his journeys to see her. Once noted it was never forgotten.

She looked up smiling and John was struck by the beauty. Her long auburn locks fell all about her shoulders and down her back setting of the color of the green dress she wore even more. “Welcome John,

Hello Roxanne,” He replied with a warm smile.
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PostSubject: Re: Making Believe (Private, Keiko)   Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptySat Jun 16, 2012 2:59 pm

((OOC. Thank you John for letting me borrow Wahkan, it was fun being gruf!))

The look on my kitten’s face was as they say priceless and one I will remember for as long as I live. Her beautiful orbs were as wide as the moons that float across the night sky. I smiled unable to hide my inner joy at the sight of Nafeesa’s curiosity and the fat it was never quite satiated.

John saved the daughter of the leader of the Paladins who live here?” My Kitten gasped turning to look at the grand castle and then back to me.

Before I could answer her though our friend Wahkan spoke up, “John saved the Sisterhood and in that effort showed a wayward girl her true path in life.”. It was his usual style, abrupt and so to the point it lacked any creative imagination. I gave him a small playful scowl for trying to inject his intensity into my story before turning back to Nafeesa and continuing on.

Back in those early days there was no Incense shop yet and no flying ship or Wahkan or even me. There was just John, the man in the black hat, who might help you if he decided to meet you and talk.

If he wanted to meet you?” Nafeesa asked back with a raised eyebrow. She was still having an issue with how much John had changed. I have only known him for a short time myself and hearing the stories of his past has been enlightening.

Yes, you see John was careful not to get himself involved with the wrong people back then, and there were a lot of them. He would only meet with you after hearing your requests through an intermediary and in those days John had a dark one.

The question was out in a gasp, yes the same one we all knew was coming. “Who?

Laken Malus, the procurer of the rare and the magical. He would bring work to John sometimes, usually to save those who have wandered too far from the light.” Wahkan suddenly spoke up again. At least this time he did not sound so solemn in his delivery.

The scary man from the shop?” Nafeesa asked back yet again. She was the master of answering a response with yet another question and also a deft memory. She had yet to forget Laken from the one moment when she had the unpleasant chance to meet the man in the shop.

The one and the same. Laken is like a snake, dangerous but necessary and all at the same time, and that fateful night he was most definitely needed. You see, the Matron’s only daughter had run off to seek another life outside of these walls and without her the Sisterhood could not carry on. Without the next Matron in line the Paladins of the Eternal Light lose their special gift from the spirits on high and thus are just as normal as the rest of us. She had need of someone to being her daughter home and that someone had to be trusted not to harm her or hold her for some special prize.

It took a second, maybe two or three, before my words finally took hold in my kitten’s mind. She looked back to the castle then me and Wahkan. I stayed quiet as the large man to my right put it all in nice perspective with a pretty little bow.

There were men and women who at the time would do anything to bring the Paladins down. When the Matron’s daughter ran off it gave them the chance they had been waiting for. They knew if she was not home to complete the line of Matron’s then the Paladins were done. So, on one hand you had people who would kill the daughter and on the other people who would hold her for a king’s ransom. The only one the Matron could trust was John and he was a wild card in the deck.
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John Greywolf

John Greywolf

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PostSubject: Re: Making Believe (Private, Keiko)   Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptyThu Jun 28, 2012 4:37 pm

There was a serenity here in the Grand Garden one could never feel in any other place. There was a peace one could never attain back in the Middle World among the daily motions of life. It was near indescribable, and yet every culture and society had some legend and tale about it. Some called it a heaven and others a kingdom on high. Some said you were lifted to its beautiful walks by invisible hands as you transgressed while others claim to simply wake up. John had heard many stories and convictions of this place by people who claimed it was a reward for a pious life, for living to a standard of high morals and righteousness. So many stories…so many beliefs…

And they were all wrong, if not by a yard then most certainly by an inch.

Truth be told the Grand Gardens was just one of countless worlds of peace, places for souls to find rest from weariness. This one was for the Matrons of the Sisterhood, the valiant and irreproachable leaders of a sect of warrior women who stood against the evils of the Middle World. John looked down to Roxanne and saw the wisdom of those years she walked as the Matron, which was so different from the first time he saw her. That first time when she was a wild as the wind that crossed the deck of the Pirate ship she had ‘attempted’ to commandeer to flee. He smiled feeling a lift at the sight of her return of his smile and her sweet voice.

It is good to see you Matron Mother,” John said with a tip of his hat.

Roxanne only shook her head before responding, “Please John, such formality is uncalled for with me and you know this.”, her hand patting the stone bench as she spoke.

The Shaman sat next to her as the gesture requested while speaking to her calmly. “It is not formality when it is born of respect Roxanne…or friendship.

She looked to him warmly and for the briefest of seconds it looked as if she might add something to his last. It looked as if she wanted to say the briefest of phrases and yet there was nothing but the stillness and the peace. Then it was gone, like one of the butterflies that crossed the Garden on fluttering wings, and Roxanne only nodded. “Yes, you were always one to take the higher road than I was my friend.” She whispered with words that seemed unwanted by her voice.

John looked out at the Garden for a second letting the strange mood change before speaking. “We all take time to see the right path and in the end whether we want to or not we begin to walk it.

I seem to remember those same words spoken to me long ago…on a morning when I had tried to steal a ship if I recall.” Roxanne smiled sweetly, almost giggling to one who had never known the Matron. To John he knew it was nothing of the sort for if she wanted Roxanne would laugh.

I remember wondering how that Pirate felt when one woman almost stole his ship from him and his crew.

I told him it would be best if he and his crew just left and gave me the ship. ” Roxanne countered letting her smile grow just a little brighter.

I’m sure he cursed his decision as his ship burned down around him, as a matter fact I know he did.

He did have some very nasty words for us didn’t he my friend,” Roxanne laughed finally, a pretty song in the garden. John smiled just a little more from the sound and the feeling if gave him.
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PostSubject: Re: Making Believe (Private, Keiko)   Making Believe (Private, Keiko) EmptyMon Aug 13, 2012 9:03 am

Why was John a wildcard?” My kitten asked quietly, lost in my analogy.

I only smiled thinking how adorable she looked at that moment with the sun flowing down through the trees on her. She looked breathtaking as I spoke. “The Sisters prefer to work with no one outside the Order, and if that someone happens to be a male then there is no trust to even begin a relationship with and as we all are painfully aware of if there is no trust then there is no relationship.

My dear Nafessa looked confused and titled her head with a lost expression. “Then how did John and the Matron Mother work together?

I heard Wahkan behind us shift which told me he was not going to help me with this one bit so I continued on still smiling. “I think it was because the Matron Mother had accepted the more than obvious, and that was John was her only hope to bring her daughter back in one piece.

Somewhere a bird, maybe a Lark, made let out its call which echoed all around us. Its cry was not yell or an ear piercing screech, but a very harmonious lilting note that seemed to pull at us from everywhere and yet nowhere at the same time. The call lifted my heart suddenly, which at the time needed no lifting I had thought and I felt myself smiling uncontrollably. I watched as Nafessa, as curious of the call as I was, stop her thoughts on the story I was telling and begin to look around. We both looked to the canopy of the trees overhead and smiled waiting to see what manner of avian creature could make such a beautiful noise only nothing appeared. I felt my heart which had been bouncing literally just minutes ago was now falling. I wanted to see the bird so badly now, strangely something inside needed to see the bird and confirm it was real. I had to know it was real.

Keep telling the story,”A rough voice ordered me and I knew Wahkan had chosen to stay quiet no longer.

I turn to him and sneered feeling angry that I was being pulled away from looking for the bird. I felt genuine anger that I might miss this great bird and I was angry with the large man like never before, a steep boiling fuming anger. He must have noticed the look in my eyes because without a care for the knives being thrown by my eyes Wahkan spoke again. “If you finish the story then you’ll see the bird…if you don’t then you won’t see it.

The statement was like a hammer to my head. It stunned me at first, left me a little more than speechless as I stared him with the lost look my kitten had given me just minutes before. I was about to ask him just what the hell he was talking of when I heard my kitten speak up from behind me.

Go on my Captain, tell me the rest of the story.

I spun back to her even more confused abruptly. Maybe it was the way my kitten spoke, the tone and intention, or maybe it was the word ‘Captain’ that she had never used before when addressing me. Whatever it was I took a minute to gather my thoughts and my senses before continuing on.
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